Aloha Protein Powder – An Honest Nutritionist Review (2025)

After a tiring day at work, your body craves water, minerals, and nutrition. Aloha protein keeps on being the best vegan alternative to any organic powder you have already used.

It helps you to rehydrate and find the best minerals balance in your body. Coming directly from plant-based seed, it rebuilds your muscles and reduces your body fat at once. Aloha protein is the only one that comes ready to drink in a TetraPak carton box.

In this review, you are going to see all the benefits that derive from such a unique protein drink. It contains no sugar and has some stevia sweetener to make its taste good for anyone. 

You will be amazed to know that it belongs to the products with the highest rating on Amazon. This ready to drink protein supplement comes in various flavors and can restore energy in your body after a workout.

Keep on reading to know more about this exceptional blend, that belongs to the non-dairy products we love to consume to improve our health level.

We also did a Top 10 of the best Protein powders made from Peas

What is Aloha Protein ?

Aloha comes from the United States. It has been adopting the well-known Hawaiian greeting for the welcome. And it surely welcomes you to the world of healthy living, coping up with your busy schedule and lifestyle.

It is the very first protein meal that comes in a beverage form. You can drink it right away from your refrigerator and get more proteins to fix your muscles mass.

Suitable for people that have lactose intolerance and are opting for vegan products that have a zero-carbon imprint. Aloha Organic Protein Powder comes into three amazing flavors: vanilla, sea salt chocolate, and coconut sugar.

Aloha Protein Powder 3 types illustration

Creators are producing Aloha protein products with maximum scrutiny and possess all the FDA approvals for this reason. They strongly believe that vegan supplements should come directly from plants, which have evolved from biological farms. As a result, you end up consuming a high-quality protein meal that equals many servings of protein and can help you increase your metabolism and burn fat rapidly.

=> Also have a look on our Vega Sport Protein review

How does Aloha food supplement work?

First, you need to know that Aloha drinks come into 11 ounces bottles. It is equal to 330ml of liquid that is easily sustainable for consumption right after workouts. As the first organic vegan shake product, it has the following nutrients included:

  • Pure Protein: 18 grams
  • Fat: 6 grams
  • Sugar: 5 grams
  • Sodium: 220 milligrams
  • Potassium: 160 milligrams
  • Calcium: 6% of the daily proposed intake
  • Phosphorous: 15% of the daily proposed dose
  • Iron: 20% of the recommended dose
  • Fiber: 3 grams (4 grams in sea salt chocolate flavor)
  • Vitamin D: 260% of the proposed daily dose

Additionally, Aloha drinks have no soy extracts inside, are gluten-free and dairy-free, while having only stevia sugar to replace the normal crystal one. All the Aloha beverages have an MCT oil (Medium Chain Triglycerides) base, coming from organic coconut oil that is good for your overall health.

The pea and hemp-based plant protein give you much energy and develop the nutrition profile delivery of the product.

=> Have a look on the Green Pea Benefits

The ways it works in your body include:

Lose weight by increasing metabolism through exercise  

Its plant based ingredients not only enhance the flavor but also interact with your cells’ metabolism. The protein surplus creates a metabolic “shock” in your body that motivates the fatty cells to reduce their overall fatty acids concentration. It is a well-known procedure induced by the low blood sugar levels and the protein excess in your body.

As a result, you end up losing weight and increase your calories burning -getting you a lot closer to your ideal slim appearance. 

Aloha protein drinks modify blood mineral balance 

That is a useful function of all protein powder meals, which come into beverage form. They contain all the necessary minerals like sodium and may give you the right daily portion, so there is no need to add more. Natural fruits make the final product take a technical white color each time you consume it directly from the bottle. The absence of GMO ingredients offers you the chance to opt for a more healthy lifestyle. 

Muscle repair and development: the ultimate benefit

We all know that after intense exercise you need much nutritional organic protein to redevelop your muscles. Aloha meals are there to give you some ready to use proteins, which you may use to build new muscle mass.There is no need to add pea seed as other powders brand does. Aloha may offer you maximum support when you need a fast protein supplement to meet the imbalance created after excessive training.

It helps your intestine to have a smoother function 

Many protein powders may have a good flavor but lack of fibers. Aloha natural shake can give you many grams of fiber per serving, which offers you intense anti-constipation actions. Traditional protein powders used to invoke issues with mild to severe constipation. Aloha uses organic-based ingredients that can increase your intestine’s mobility. You are never going to complain about bowel gases and lack of regular visits to the toilet when using such products.

It cuts your hunger and appetite when tasting it upon exercise

You are never going to feel hungry again between exercise and training intervals. The organic plant protein complex coming with exceptional vanilla, coconut or chocolate flavor, can satisfy your hunger with no need to add sugar, fruit, and artificial taste.People testify that this blend can give them all the good calories they need, keeping away the gluten, which may induce inflammatory episodes in many users.

Ingredients of Aloha Protein Drink

Aloha drinks come to you in a sanitary container, always fresh for you to enjoy. The active ingredients, which offer you benefits are:

Aloha Powder Nutrition Fact

Plant-based proteins (18 grams per 11 ounces serving)

These come from organic pea and brown rice protein extracts. They use organic sunflower lecithin and pumpkin seed protein to stabilize and get absorbed by your stomach and intestine.Most of them can dissolve into amino acids and start to develop your muscles right after exercise. They give you the benefit of acute absorbance without the need to affect your renal and liver function as well.

Saturated fats (6 grams per serving)

These fats are mostly omega-3 acids that are in saturated form to enter the cells’ membranes easier. They help to the right heart and brain function as they can the valuable arachidonic acid, which our body cannot produce by itself.

These good fats molecules can enter the blood-brain barrier and carry their valuable fatty acids to the nerve cells. You are going to benefit from a better brain function that will bring you clarity and precision in your daily life.

Sodium and Potassium

 They are abundant in the Aloha protein drink and can restore these ions balance across your cells’ membranes. Sodium is of high importance for the function of your heart, while Potassium can adjust your blood pressure and act as a neutralizer for many intruders that enter your body.

Vitamin D

While many of us are living in sunshine countries, the way we dress prohibits our body from forming the valuable Vitamin D. The lack of this vitamin is crucial for our bones’ health, especially to post-menopausal women.Aloha protein meals and powder are among the best sources of ready to use vitamin D.

One serving can give you more than two times the daily recommended dose, creating the best natural shield for your body. It is one of the amazon best sellers among supplements that include vitamin D and has no sugar while its taste is superb.

Calcium, Phosphorus and Iron

Aloha protein drinks offer a generous portion of these minerals, that climbs up to the daily recommended dose for many of them. Calcium and Phosphorus are essential for your skeletal health, while Iron is vital for your blood and respiratory function.

The natural flavor of vanilla, coconut, and chocolate makes it easier to swallow these minerals that usually taste awful when taken in their initial form.

Who is Aloha protein powder for?

Aloha protein drinks and powder can be suitable for all athletes. No matter, if you are a male or female, they can offer you the protein load and fats you need to keep on training and cover your daily nutritional needs.

However, this protein supplement is the best matching to a vegan diet, that is sugar and gluten-free. 

The blend of hemp seed and pea protein combined with stevia flavors is giving you the ultimate meal when training.

Many people are also using the Aloha protein to cut off meals throughout the day. There is no need to be an athlete to consume such a vegan protein powder.

Also, persons that try to ban animal proteins from their food, due to severe illnesses complications may find the Aloha protein meals a lot more tempting and easy to use.

Finally, it should be clear that this kind of drink is also good for diabetics. That segment of the general population keeps away from crystal sugar sources. That is why, Aloha protein would be perfect to balance their blood sugar levels, as long as it contains stevia, which is the number one natural sweetener with no hikes on your insulin.

Pros and Cons of Aloha Protein Meals

Many innovative features that are included in the Aloha Protein meals are there to provide you a beneficial use. However, there are some slights drawbacks that we have to take into account as well.

                              PROS                            CONS
Plant-based protein comes from pea and brown rice that are well-tolerated by your immune and digestive system. We all know some of us to suffer from special allergies. That would never be an issue when using Aloha products.
Every 11 ounces container has 18 grams of pure protein. It could be an insufficient portion of protein for people that exercise a lot. That is why you need to consume more than one container at a time. However, it would be hard to carry two 11 ounces bottles with you when training. 
Aloha protein drink is not that sweet as other similar products are. The stevia sweetener, as well as the sucralose, finds its replacement in the coconut milk that gives you a natural sweetness like never tasted before.
Compared to other protein products that sell through Amazon, Aloha protein is the least affordable. However, the existence of MCT oils alongside with plant proteins and minerals worth the extra pennies you pay per protein gram.
It is ready to drink. No need to stir it up, or use mixers to dissolve the powder. You can preserve the Aloha drinks in the refrigerator and grab them once you finish your daily workout schedule.
You need to give an order of multiple containers to exceed the $75 threshold that is eligible for free shipping. Many people would like to get the chance to try the product first, and then go placing a cumulative order.
Packaging makes a difference among other competitors. Aloha protein has developed a package that keeps the protein fresh until you finally consume it. Imprints are awesome and you know you have to do with a high-quality product even from the first touch.

It is the only protein drink that comes into three marvelous flavors: coconut, sea salt chocolate, and vanilla. They cover all possible taste preferences and make you want to drink it again and again throughout the day.

Saturated fats and minerals that take part in the Aloha protein meal synthesis help your body to quickly recover from excessive training. Coming in sufficient portions, they cover a great percentage of the recommended daily intake. 

There is no dairy extract in the Aloha protein drinks. You can get all the richness and taste of coconut milk, without the side effects of dairy products in your intestine.

The Best Alternatives

Aloha Protein Powder$304/5
Bauer Nutrition [The Readers Choice]$30.10Learn more..5/5
Vega Sport Protein$35.99Learn more..4/5

Focus on the effectiveness of Aloha Protein Drinks

Many studies have shown the supremacy of plant-based proteins to the health improvement of athletes. Lately, these studies have included parts of the general population, since the change in eating habits has created a huge margin for improvement.

A major study from the United States has proven that plant protein lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease development. Additionally, for all those that receive protein supplements for muscle augmentation, studies show that this is feasible.

As far as the customer reviews from Amazon we take some encouraging messages about Aloha Protein Powder, bars, and drinks. Buyers state that eating Aloha bars makes them feel complete. They usually have them as normal meals, replacing other food and beverages they may have during the day.

But above all, Aloha products are nourishing and tasty to keep you satisfied after your training. They give you the necessary elements to proactively support the development of your muscles and keep your body hydrated for a long time.

Dosage: How to use Aloha Protein Powder, Bars and Drinks

There are certain instructions on how to use Aloha Protein powder,bars, and drinks. Follow them to take the maximum out of their nutrients and vitamins.

Aloha Drinks

What are the dosages to respect?

Nobody has ever had any issues with excessive protein intake unless he has a pre-existing renal problem or disorder. However, the normal daily intake of protein keeps on being close to 20 grams of pure protein per meal. 

In this way, you need to ensure that your plant-based protein powder is well portioned. Aloha comes in forms of drinks that have almost 20 grams of net protein. You can either use the bars and powder that offer you 14 grams and 18 grams of pure protein per serving respectively. 

What to do if you forget Aloha?

Also, you have no reason to worry in case you forget to take your Aloha meal supplement. There is always a way to replace them throughout the day with other kinds of meals. 

However, if you are an athlete who loves to develop his muscular system to the edge, you need pure protein right after your daily training. It would be wiser to consume Aloha right after the workouts.

Precautions to take when taking Aloha.

When taking Aloha, you need to ensure that you have plenty of water to drink. It is important to swallow the entire protein meal, especially when consuming bars. Aloha powder shakes are usually rich, so you better have some water to drink close to you.

Not to mention, that water is significant for your hydration, since proteins are absorbing water from your stomach and intestine. That is why a good protein meal comes always together with a generous portion of drinking water.

How to keep the Aloha protein meals?

Aloha Snack Bar

No matter if you choose the powder, bars, or drinks Aloha products are always better to keep in the refrigerator. Especially when you have opened the powder box, you need to place it in the refrigerator to keep it fresh for next time.

Bars and drinks may be less vulnerable to external heat, but it would be a good practice to keep them refrigerated as well.

Risks, Hazards and Side Effects of Aloha Protein Meals

There are no known risks associated with the daily use of Aloha protein meals. The only precaution would be for people that have a renal dysfunction and need to reduce the daily protein intake.

Other people may have allergies to some of the ingredients, like the lecithin or pea protein. They should stay away from taking this protein product as well.

Some people also suffer from MCT oil intolerance or coconut milk distress syndromes. They should also avoid the long term interaction with Aloha protein meals.

In general, Aloha protein is harmless for all people, and there is no contraindication to take other drugs with it. 

Aloha Protein Reviews from Users

Since Aloha has been sold and handled through the Amazon website, there are many reviews from verified purchases done there. Most of them are revealing the truth, which is that Aloha gives more energy to people who train all day, without any side effects.

The majority of reviews are having to do with the texture and taste of Aloha protein compared to all the others that are available on the market. We can see that powders and bars are taking most of the credits for their quality. At the same time, the Aloha drinks are unique in their concept and become one of the favorite forms of protein supplement that makes people want to taste it again and again.

Aloha Protein review
Review of Aloha Powder

Our final opinion on Aloha

We are certain that Aloha protein meals (powder, bars, and drinks) cover the needs of heavy training athletes. They come in three distinct flavors (vanilla, sea salt chocolate, and coconut), which make up for all possible tastes in the general population.

They don’t have any special requirements in preserving them, and they can stand to stay at room temperature for a couple of hours when training. Their real benefit keeps on being that they use purified plant protein that comes from peas, which is the most valuable form of protein among the available ones.

If you overpass the affordability issues that many users may face when ordering Aloha products, you will see that they are the best value for money supplements you may have. 

Not to mention that these products are entirely made in the United States, to ensure proper quality in all stages of production. They ship directly to the consumers, or you can buy them from your local health store so that you will never lack proteins.

How to buy Aloha Protein: The Complete Guide

Interested in ordering Aloha Protein Products ? Here is our guide to help you :

Where to Buy Aloha Protein ?

Aloha has developed a secured website where you can have updated information about the protein products. There you have the chance to read about the company’s history and what is their vision. 

You also have the chance to order directly from their site, the quantities you need to have for your training. 

The site offers you many recipes about protein products and how to apply them in your daily life. You may also read reviews from other people that have already consumed Aloha products. There is also the chance to subscribe to the newsletters that administrators send to the members, to keep them informed about special discounts and offers.

Aloha Protein Price and Discount

The Aloha protein powder costs $30 for a one-time purchase. If you decide to enroll in the site you gain a 10% discount and free shipping to continental America. 

Protein bars cost $10.99 for the 4 bar box and $30 for a one-time purchase. However, you have the opportunity to subscribe for a monthly or a bi-weekly order, saving an extra 10% and enjoying free shipping.

Finally, the plant-based protein drinks cost $14.99 to get a pack of four, while the pack of twelve comes at the discounted price of $35.99.

Besides the official website, there is always the chance to buy Aloha products through Amazon. Many customers are opting for this solution since Amazon is well-known for its rapidness and improved ways of payment.

You may choose to buy Aloha products from your local health store. You can find the ones that are close to you on the official Aloha website and ensure that you will never stay out of these when training.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Does Aloha protein powder have stevia?

Aloha is known for its organic products. Its supplements are vegan friendly, gluten, soy and stevia free and non-GMO. This also includes the Aloha protein powder.

Is Aloha protein powder clean?

The Aloha team is thorough when creating the supplements. They clean and swab their equipment thoroughly before. Also, its ingredients are clean without adding unwanted extras and preservatives.


Aloha protein supplements give you the right plant-based proteins and minerals that you need to develop your muscles after training. People from all around the world, are consuming them as main meals and receive the benefits of the plant proteins. 

They come in multiple forms that include powder, bars, and drinks that are readily available for you to consume. The lack of sugar and artificial taste boosters, make Aloha products tempting to consume even though you are a vegan.

These supplements are good in giving you energy because:

  • They have a long expiry date to give you time to consume them
  • Aloha proteins are hypoallergenic and ensure proper digestion
  • You may get all the MCT oil and omega fatty acids you need

Aloha protein products are suitable for all people living a busy life. They are not only for people who train hard but also for those who are pursuing healthy living. 

Their variety of flavors and forms may ensure your satisfaction at all times. After all, we all need a supplement that can make us happy when taking it, while offering our body the proteins and vitamins we need to function daily.

Aloha protein is a lean product made with great scrutiny from people who love their work.

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