21 Best plant-based protein foods [Vegan]

Today lots of people are looking for alternative food to replace animal protein. The reality is that a well-established vegan diet could give you all the nutrients you need. You will get the chance to lose weight, gain muscle and improve your health levels thanks to good nutrition habits.

So plant-based protein keeps on being the lost relic of all vegans. Here are some of the most common plant foods that contain a satisfying amount of proteins.

=> Also have a look on our High Protein Foods List

Seitan-The protein emperor!

You would hear about Seitan from all the sites that deal with healthy food. It has come from Eastern Asia, and its primary vegan value derives from gluten. Seitan is a mock meat that resembles the original one.

It contains almost 25 grams of net protein per 100 grams of mock meat. It is outstanding for people that follow a vegan diet. You may also get other minerals like phosphorus, selenium, and calcium. They all contribute to the right acid-base equilibrium in your body.

Lately, there have been many health food stores to offer it as refrigerated food, and you can cook it in many ways. Either boiled or grilled, Seitan mock meat is the best food you could have to take care of your nutrition.

Consume Seitan with care if you suffer from gluten intolerance, as it may flare up your symptoms.

This video will help you prepare Seitan quick and easy:

Lentils-an ancient protein food.

They are the magical seeds coming from Ancient Greece. It is where people used to cultivate them in the first place. There is still a great soup made in Greece using lentils and is a main dish for families.

But, when you are in a vegan diet, you need all the protein you can get. Lentils offer you 18 grams of net protein for every 240ml part that you cook. Many people also use it as an ingredient for their salads. Or they combine it with rice making another eastern Mediterranean traditional dish.

Check our review of Aloha Protein, a seed protein based powder

You may know that lentils are powerful assistants to your intestine flora. Eating lentils may offer you a healthy colon. Their antioxidant power provides you an extra shield against cancer. Lentils are also a great source of fibers.

One single cup of lentils can improve your glycemic profile. It may enrich your body with iron and manganese that help your brain work. Not to mention that you will find a great ally to your combat against constipation. Lentils can do so much for you without asking for costly investment.

Industrial Hemp (hempseeds)- Maya’s protein secret!

Hempseeds were well known to ancient Maya civilization for their unique taste. They are rich in proteins, with every part of 28 grams to contain almost 10 grams of pure protein.

The notorious THC is the drastic compound found in Marijuana. It is only present in traces in industrial hemp. The hemp seeds are eatable in soups or can be the main additive to flour dough. They create the protein bread and bars you need for daily use.

Hemp seeds also contain valuable omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. These are necessary for brain function. Minerals like iron, calcium, selenium, and zinc are present in hemp seeds. They can make them a real superfood for vegans

You may add the hemp seeds to your morning almond yogurt breakfast or in smoothies. Take advantage of their power. Try to overpass the misconception about their narcotic action. Hemp seeds would become your best vegan food ever.

Green peas – Flavorful protein plant caring for your health.

It has been one of the main dishes in Mediterranean cuisine. It can provide energy and minerals. When cooked fresh, they can contribute up to 9 grams of protein per 240 ml of serving. Peas come from a kind of beans that give you immediate amino effect.

They are usually a side dish in American culture cuisine and have the best greenish color and flavor. Lately, we have seen chefs smashing green peas to make soups and plates of ravioli. The green peas offer you a unique source of minerals like iron, phosphorus, and magnesium.

You will cover the necessary daily intake of vitamins A, C, and K, should you eat one serving of green peas protein powder

Have a look on our Vega Sport Pea Protein Powder review

Spirulina – The algae that made protein delivery easy.

Spirulina Protein Benefits

Spirulina is a bacteria called cyanobacteria, often known as blue-green algae. It has been one of the best plant-based food to eat, having an outstanding grams protein load.

Eating two servings of spirulina daily (30ml) provides you with 8 grams of pure protein. Additionally, spirulina could cover your necessary intake of copper, iron, and thiamine . It could improve your health.

Spirulina is the plant-based food that creates a shield over your immune system. It may also offer you a reduced blood pressure profile. And regulate your diabetes in the best possible way.

Spelt and Teff: The ancient protein sources that make you feel better

They are both grains that have been plain in the Middle East and Asia thousands of years ago. They are following human history. Their difference is that spelt contains gluten while teff is gluten-free.

Both spelt and teff may give you up to 10 grams of protein per cooked cup (240ml). They are the primary sources for plant-based protein. You can digest them easier that beans and other amino protein products.

They usually come into the shape of flour that you can use to create pies and doughs. Plenty of vitamins and selenium, as well as zinc and manganese, are there. These substances make spelt and teff some of the best protein foods that nature may offer you.

Tofu, Edamame, and Tempeh: Soy-based protein that makes a difference!

Tofu, edamame, and tempeh are the non-dairy cheeses that derive from the soybeans. They are the best solution for a vegan diet and could replace meat consumption in any kind of nutrition.

You may get all the amino acids your body needs to create vital proteins by consuming soybeans. Tofu is a bean curds product that people process with special enzymes. This is to create a cheese-like food.

Edamame, derives from soybeans and needs some type of fermentation. This is necessary to take its final shape. It has a well-known taste that resembles nut consumption. Both tofu and tempeh are eligible to use to give flavor to many foods from soups to salads.

Finally, tempeh gives you the chance to make plant-based food into protein-rich meals. It can absorb the taste of foods you are placing it into and. All three are rich in vitamin K, iron, and calcium that are necessary minerals for the right body function.

Tofu and tempeh are getting compared to this video.

Soymilk: the best alternative to dairy products that contain lots of proteins

Many people suffer from cow’s milk intolerance. It is a situation making them suffer from stomach aches and intestine gas production. Lactose, the basic ingredient of regular dairy milk, handles all this mess.

On the other hand, soymilk contains approximately 7 grams of pure protein per serving (240ml). It can give you the best combination of complex vitamins which are vital for your health.

You can easily find soymilk in any supermarket or convenience store. Most of the time, you don’t even need to refrigerate it and you can consume it at room temperature.

There are many sweets and cakes that you can create with soymilk. Other people enjoy soy milk in smoothies and porridges. Then you can take a glimpse of the health benefits that only soymilk can offer your body.

Oats: the protein enhancer of every diet scheme

Oats are natural grains that you can add in any vegan diet. They can provide you with the energy you need to cope up with your daily chores. Not to mention that they can also give flavor to your food and make you feel full for lots of hours.

Just half a serving of dry oats (120 grams) can offer you 6 grams of protein that is among the highest in the category. You will be amazed by the increased amount of fiber that oats include. These can help you avoid constipation and make your intestine work a lot better.

You can use oat to create the world-famous oatmeal. At the same time, you are free to ground them into flour and use it to any kind of dough.

As in the video, people who eat oat create a natural defense shield against infections. They also gain lots of proteins:

Chia seeds: 50% more protein than any other similar food

They are used in modern high-end cuisine to give taste and proteins to famous meals. The Chia seeds come from the Salvia Hispanica plant, which you may find in central and south America.

You can get 6 grams of protein out of 35 grams of seeds, which keeps on being legendary among the plant-based food. Not to mention that you also get a handful of fibers and many minerals like calcium, iron, and magnesium.

Fatty acids and antioxidants are present in Chia seeds. They can give you the protection you need against diseases of the nervous system. You can cook the Chia seeds in many ways simply by adding them to your meal while you are preparing it.

However, the Chia seeds can absorb more than three times their volume in water. It makes them the right candidates for puddings and soups.

Beans, Quinoa and chickpeas: Natural protein boosters

People have started cultivating beans from the dawn of humanity. Black beans, kidney beans, and pinto are some of the varieties that dominate the world market. They are all easy to boil and digest while offering a generous portion of proteins per serving.

You can be sure that every cup (240ml) that contains any kind of beans can offer you up to 15 grams of protein. They can be combined with any kind of vegetable and give you the most delicious soups you could ever cook.

Beans are rich sources of minerals like iron, phosphorus, potassium, and manganese. At the same time, they can offer you plenty of fibers. They are necessary for the right function of your digestive system.

Many news studies have shown that eating beans regularly can protect you. Protection against high blood pressure and cholesterol levels is there for you. 

Nutritional yeast: the hidden amino treasure

Organic Nutritional Yeast
Raw Yellow Organic Nutritional Yeast in a Bowl

Nutritional yeast has been the relic of many bakers around the world. It makes bread pop up and takes its fluffy shape. You can find it on the market as a yellow colored powder that comes into small packages.

It comes from Saccharomyces cerevisiae which is the most common strain of fungi in the world. Many top chefs across the world use it to upgrade the taste of their food. It smells and tastes like fermented cheese which can give extra taste to any kind of dish.

Nutritional yeast can claim to be the most protein-rich food in the world. It contains 14 grams of protein out of 28 grams of the substance. You may also find many vitamins of the B complex in the fortified version of the nutritional yeast.

Moreover, it can contain lots of minerals like calcium, iron, zinc, copper, and manganese. All these are vital for your health. 

Fruits and veggies that are rich in protein: Could cover all your protein needs

Certain vegetables and fruits contain protein and fiber. These may be enough to provide you the necessary daily intake. Broccoli, asparagus, artichokes, and potatoes are some protein-rich vegetables.

Berries, nectarines, and bananas are the fruits with the biggest protein load. They can give you up to 4 grams of net protein per serving. That is why it is crucial to keep the right balance of vegetables and fruits in your nutrition.

Follow the YouTube video link. You will find lots of information about fruits and vegetables rich in protein. 

Peanut butter and nuts: A descent source of protein

Lately, there has been a debate about peanut butter. It comes from peanuts mixed with salt and other condiments. Many people support that it gives you more empty calories.

Yet, in terms of proteins, it contains 7 grams of net protein per serving. It depends on the type of nuts you are smashing to get the butter, but it still is rich in protein.

There is also an antioxidant feature that makes peanuts eligible for daily consumption.

Many people are looking for nuts that are roasted. This is a big mistake since the roasting procedure can take parts of the protein away. Not to mention that it may reduce the vitamins and minerals.

Good to know : the combination of proteins with fibers and vitamins makes nuts a superfood.

Wild and unprocessed rice: The king of protein

While everyone knows rice as a rich source of carbs, some varieties are also rich in proteins. Especially the wild rice keeps on having more than double protein compared to the regular one.

A cooked cup of wild rice (240ml) can give you up to 7 grams of pure protein. You may also get fibers, phosphorus, vitamin B complex and copper that enforce your body.

On the other hand, rice is very sensitive to water and soil pollution. You need to be sure about the variety you are consuming. Moreover, it is necessary to wash and rinse the wild rice thoroughly to keep all the proteins and minerals inside.


This is the shortlist of plant-based proteins. Are you satisfied with the quality of the information provided here? 

People around the globe need to alter their nutritional habits. Also it is important to favor organic plant based protein foods to get a complete benefits of them !

There is a big turn on vegetables and fruits. They can provide the same amount of protein compared to meat and fish. Don’t forget to comment if you liked our thoughts.

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